Rita Faia - Omphalodes Kuzinskyanae
Nombre y apellidos: Rita Faia
Web: www.ritafaia.pt
Redes sociales: https://www.instagram.com/rita.faia/
País: Portugal
Título: Omphalodes Kuzinskyanae
Especie: Omphalodes Kuzinskyanae
Descripción: Omphalodes Kusinskyanae or Miosótis-das-Praias it's a small wild flower from the family of Boraginaceae. Omphalodes means 'belly button' in latin, which refers to the shape of the fruit. It's endemic to Portugal and today only a few specimens can be found in the coastal areas between Cascais and Ericeira. For this reason it is a species in critical danger of extinction. The rise of pollution, the climate changes and the resulting changes in soils are some of the reasons for the decreasing population of this plant. Given the little information available about it this is my contribution so that it is not forgotten.
Categoría: Ilustración científica
Técnica: Colored Pencils and Acrylic Paint on Polyester Paper
Tamaño: 29,7x42cm
Año: 2021
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