Camila Pizano - Guianan Cock of the Rock (Rupicola rupicola)
Name: Camila Pizano
Redes sociales: Instagram: camilapizanogomez
Country: Colombia
Title: Guianan Cock of the Rock (Rupicola rupicola)
Specie: Rupicola rupicola
Description: The Guianan Cock of the Rock (Rupicola rupicola) was first described by English explorer Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) in his trip to the Amazon in South America (1848-1852). I did this illustration for the book "En Busca del Origen. Las expediciones de Alfred Russel Wallace en la Amazonia (1848-1852)", which was written by Professor Felipe Guhl ( and will be published in 2021 by Universidad de los Andes ( The male of this species (depicted in the illustration) displays to females in leks, where multiple individuals dance and sing loudly at the same time. The illustration shows the male beautiful and colorful feathers and how he displays them to attract the female bird.
Category: Nature illustration
Technique: Watercolor and color pencils
Size: 22.9 por 30.5 cm
Year: 2020