Monika Petrovaite - Spring crocus
Nombre y apellidos: Monika Petrovaite
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País: United Kingdom
Título: Spring crocus
Especie: Crocus vernus
Descripción: Spring Crocus (Crocus Vernus) One of the most popular species, an early spring blooming bulb that is widely grown in gardens. Its flowers are larger than any other of the crocuses, hence its common names of large flowering crocus or giant crocus. The purple of the veins when contrasted with the orange in the centre of the plant reflect the temperature fluctuations brought on during a false spring which you can often see in the British Isles at this time of the year. Although fully in bloom the Crocus has clearly been removed from the earth which has nurtured it to be put in a different place, this happening at the height of its existence I feel reflects what has happened to many people in the past year, being uprooted from an otherwise peaceful life and placed into the unknown.
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: Watercolour and fine-liner pen
Tamaño: 420mm x 297mm
Año: 2021
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