Himanshi Singh - A blue sea in the mountains
Nombre y apellidos: Himanshi Singh
Web: @ishi_172
Redes sociales: Twitter : @ishi_172
País: India
Título: A blue sea in the mountains
Especie: Nymphaea nouchali
Descripción: "The flower Neelkamal or Nymphaea nouchali or blue water lily is a rare flower related to the Brahmakamal family. This beautiful flower is famous because religious beliefs attached to it, considering it the favourite flower of a Hindu deity Vishnu, the creater of universe .
After almost a decade it has been found blooming in Kedarnath in Uttrakhand,India at an altitude of 4,500 metres.
The reason behind it sudden revival is attributed to the lack of disturbance from humans, proving once again the amazing self healing powers of nature. The once snow covered mountains has been ornamented with a sea of blue lilies.
Through this I hope to spread awareness among people to give some space to the environment for its regeneration even after this global pandemic ends ."
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: Acrylic water colour
Tamaño: 210×297 mm
Año: 2021
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