崔晓雯 - Papilio machaon Linnaeus and Astrantia major
Name: 崔晓雯
Redes sociales: https://b23.tv/c618X45
Country: China
Title: Papilio machaon Linnaeus and Astrantia major
Specie: Papilio machaon Linnaeus and Astrantia major
Description: This is the development of the Papilio machaon Linnaeus from egg to adult,which lays its eggs near the petiole at the base of the leaf of an Apiaceae plant like the Astrantia major pictured here.After hatching from the eggs,the larvae feed on the leaves of these plants.When in danger,the larvae raise their upper bodies,extend their brightly colored antennae on their heads,and emit pungent odors to intimidate their enemies.In addition to the Astrantia major,carrots , celery and other Apiaceae plant are also affected by them.When the larva emerges from the chrysalis and becomes an adult,it feeds on nectar and continues its life cycle.
Category: Nature illustration
Technique: Photography ,watercolor and color lead
Size: 1512*2138px
Year: 2022