Paula Sofia A. Constantino Vaz - Heart-flowered Serapias
Nombre y apellidos: Paula Sofia A. Constantino Vaz
Redes sociales: –
País: Portugal
Título: Heart-flowered Serapias
Especie: Wild Orchidae Serapias Cordigera
Descripción: Serapia cordigera is a species that is easily recognisable by its very wide heart or tongue-shaped labellum. They are widespread in the Mediterranean and Atlantic countries of southern Europe. This plant from Orchidaceae family measure 12-40 cm tall. It is one of the five species of Serapias existing in Portugal. This orchidae is also distinguished by its colors (purple, red, orange, whitish or green). It has green stems; linear-lanceolate leaves; dense inflorescences with hairs between 2-12 flowers. They bloom from may to june.
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: mixed technique: graphite pencil, colored pencil and gouache on white fine grain Canson paper, 180g/m2.
Tamaño: 29,7 x 42,0 cm
Año: 2022
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