Rita Giordano - Begonia Semperflorens Cultivar "Scarleta"
Name: Rita Giordano
Web: https://ritagior.github.io/ritagiordano/
Redes sociales: https://twitter.com/rgiordano79; https://www.instagram.com/ritagior/
Country: United Kingdom
Title: Begonia Semperflorens Cultivar "Scarleta"
Specie: Begonia Semperflorens Cultivar "Scarleta"
Description: Begonia semperflorens cultivar belongs to the Begoniaceae family, which are plants native of tropics and subtrobics across the continents. The plant presents both unisexual male and female flowers on different stems (monoecious). The male flower (A) has four irregular tepals, two petal-like sepals (B), two smaller petals (C) and many stamens (D) arranged in whorls. The female flower (E) presents five tepals (F) and three unequal wings (G) extending from ovary (H). The pistil's styles have each two twisted stigmas (I). The section of the ovary (H) presents several ovules (J). The leaves (K) on the stem (L) present an alternate "two-ranked" arrangement where the leaves are arranged in opposite sides of the stem (L).
Category: Scientific illustration
Technique: Pen and ink stipple
Size: 29.7 x 21 cm
Year: 2022