Elizaveta Shub - The Storks
Name and surname: Elizaveta Shub
Social media: https://instagram.com/lizavetashub?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Country: Russia
Title: The Storks - (from left to right) White Stork, Black-necked Stork, Black Stork, Jabiru, Oriental Stork
Description: The composition includes five different species, which are White Stork, Black-necked Stork, Black Stork, Jabiru and Oriental Stork. From the very beginning I aimed to illustrate some birds, and the storks caught my attention firstly because of the elegance and the smoothness of their body shapes. For instance, the way they may fold their necks is fascinating and beautiful already. Moreover, some of the birds have shimmering feathers. That is not remarkable from the first glance, therefore it is an interesting detail as well.
The main inspiration was taken from a local zoological museum in my hometown, in Moscow. Before starting the drawing, I had come to the museum a couple of times in order to do proper research and observe the stuffed animals in the vicinity.
Category: Nature illustration
Technique: Oils on canvas
Artificial intelligence: No
Size: 297×420 mm
Year: 2023