marina durante - Butterflies
Nombre y apellidos: marina durante
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País: italiy
Título: Butterflies - above: how to draw a European peacock (Aglias io). below: metamorphosis of a Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
Descripción: I have realized this illustration for the book "Disegniamo gli animali: guida al disegno naturalistico con le matite colorate" Il castello Editore 2022, that I have written and illustrated with my sister Annalisa.
In this illustration I show step by step how to draw and color a wonderful european butterfly: a European peacock (Aglias io).
Below I show the metamorphosis of another european butterfly, a Swallowtail (Papilio machaon).
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: watercolor and pencils
Inteligencia artificial: No
Tamaño: 40 x 20 cm
Año: 2022