Kingfisher - Charlotte Montanaro

NAME: Charlotte Montanaro
TITLE: Kingfisher
TECHNIQUE: Wstercolor
YEAR: 2015
DESCRIPTION: The drawing represent a kinghfisher perched on a twing with open wings. Behind him we can see the distribution map of this amazing bird. I decided to draw this portrait of the kingfisher first because of its beauty. This little aquatic bird is one of the most colored bird in Europe (and yet difficult to spot among trees and twings) and display different and interesting ways to catch its pray. This aquatic predatory bird has been used as a biondicator of freshwater pollutants (mainly PCBs). By drawing it I wanted to underline the importance of freshwater ecosystems and the role that they play in preserving the biodiversity all around the globe.
CATEGORY: Professional
WIKIMEDIA COMMONS: Yes. As the author of illustration I have given permission for it to be loaded on Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0