Morphology of helminth eggs and protozoans parasitic species of dogs - Diogo Guerra

Name: Diogo Guerra
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Country: Portugal
Title: Morphology of helminth eggs and protozoans parasitic species of dogs
Specie: Helminths & Protozoa

Description: Ernst Haeckel-inspired board containing 28 parasitic species from phyla Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala and Nematoda, and kingdom Protoza. This board depicts the diagnostic forms of the most common gastrointestinal parasites found through microscopic analysis of fecal samples from dogs at Veterinary hospitals. It is intended as a very complete resource, for visual morphologic diagnosis (in this version the name of each species is not depicted); the user can also observe the relative sizes of each egg/species. While mostly treatable, in some cases these parasites may be a cause morbidity and severe disease, and some of them, such as Taenia/Echinococcus or Toxoplasma, are zoonotic (i.e. can be transmitted to humans).

Category: Scientific illustration

Technique: Digital illustrations (Adobe Illustrator)
Size: Digital
Year: 2019