Van de Vijver Pieter - Molecules

Nombre y apellidos: Van de Vijver Pieter
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País: Belgium

Título: Molecules
Especie: Ribociclib, clonidine, ixazomib and talazoparib drug molecules

Descripción: This illustration shows the chemical structures of 4 drugs (ribociclib, clonidine, ixazomib, and talazoparib) depicted in a style influenced by the work of Dick Bruna, who was in turn influenced by Dutch art movement "De Stijl". This style is characterized by saturated colors and bold lines. Atoms are shown as color-coded circles with thick black outlines and bonds: hydrogen (hidden), carbon (grey), oxygen (red), nitrogen (blue), chlorine (green), fluorine (light green), boron (pink). An important advantage compared to conventional skeletal formulae is that here, molecules can be freely scaled and rotated within the plane.

Categoría: Ilustración científica

Técnica: Digital
Tamaño: Digital
Año: 2019

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