Joris De Raedt - Black tern at nest site
Nombre y apellidos: Joris De Raedt
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País: Belgium
Título: Black tern at nest site
Especie: Black tern (Chlidonias niger)
Descripción: "The black tern (Chlidonias niger) is one of the most elegant wetland birds. They nest on small islands or lumps of vegetation popping out of the water. Here the chicks are safer for foxes and other predators. The parents will not only feed small fishes to the youngsters but also insects as shown in my illustration. After observing these magnificant birds in Doñana National Park last spring I tried to capture their beauty in this image.
Some close-ups and a WIP-image can be found here;"
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: Digital, using a Wacom intuos tablet and Adobe Photoshop
Tamaño: Digital
Año: 2019
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