Juliya Rezvaya - Cloudberry
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País: Russia
Título: Cloudberry
Especie: Rubus Chamaemorus L
Descripción: Cloudberry is a perennial dioecious herb of the rose family (Rosaceae), 5-25 cm high. It has a long creeping rootstalk that sends out upright stems. The lamina of the leaf is green, crinkled, with cordate base and lobed edges. The white solitary flowers located at the top of the stem have five sepals and five petals each. The unripe fruits are red, then they gradually turn yellow, and at the point of full maturity they are amber. The flowering period is from May to June, the fruits ripen in the second half of July. Cloudberry grows in peat bogs, marshy forests, moss and shrub tundra. It occurs in northern Europe, Asia, in North America, in the north of Russia. Cloudberry is a rare, threatened species. It has a conservation status in Poland and it is red-listed in Belarus.
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: watercolor paints, ink
Tamaño: 42×29,7cm
Año: 2019
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