Inês Traquina - Western Lowland Gorilla

Nombre y apellidos: Inês Traquina

Redes sociales: Instagram: itraquina_illustration

País: Portugal

Título: Western Lowland Gorilla
Especie: Prímate: gorilla gorilla gorilla

Descripción: "Western Lowland Gorilla : The western lowland gorilla is the smallest subspecies of gorilla but still has exceptional size and strength.
The western lowland gorilla population in the wild is faced by a number of factors that threaten its extinction. Such factors include deforestation, farming, grazing and the expanding human settlements that cause forest loss. (Wikipedia)"

Categoría: Ilustración naturalista

Técnica: Graphite
Tamaño: 27.9 x 35.6 cm
Año: 2021

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