Giada Comi - the last monk seal

Name: Giada Comi 

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Country: Italy 

Title: the last monk seal
Specie: Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus

Description: Hello,

I'm Giada Comi a young illustrator.
I have decided to represent monk seal because the last specimens were spotted in 2017 on the coasts of Sicily.

I have chosen this animal to bring it back to life in the historical memory.
I'd like to raise awareness the people to drastic extinct of more than 50% animals biodiversity.

I represent the profile of a female seal (fig. 1) and at the bottom of illustration there is a head of monk which emerging from the water (fig 3).

in the circle a detail about 0,5 mm of the skin (fig. 2), the adipose skin is covered with a dense short hair.

Category: Scientific illustration

Technique: pen and digital color
Size: 5091 × 6174
Year: 2022