Graziele Florindo Pereira - The magnificent bird
Nombre y apellidos: Graziele Florindo Pereira
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País: Brazil
Título: The magnificent bird
Especie: Magnificent Frigatebird
Descripción: The magnificent frigate bird range along coasts and islands, and its beautiful wings can be easily noticed, as it flies magnificently through the air. In this illustration, we can pretend to be one of them for a day and see how this bird nest.
The female (F) have a huge white spot on the throat, while the male (M) have a bright red pouch on the throat. They nest in dense colonies on top of low trees, shrubs or near rocks. The male is responsible for making the nest with sticks (a,b) and the female only lay one egg per season (a). The young frigate bird is white (b).
Categoría: Ilustración científica
Técnica: digital illustration – adobe photoshop
Tamaño: 2480 x 3508 pixels
Año: 2022
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