Jingru-Peng - The mating couples of blood flukes parasites.
Nombre y apellidos: Jingru-Peng
Web: http://www.heyshow.com/gallery/9832/artworks/
Redes sociales: https://www.instagram.com/jingru.art/
País: Taiwan
Título: The mating couples of blood flukes parasites.
Especie: Schistosoma japonicum
Descripción: "Schistosomes are parasitic blood flukes that infect over 200 million people around the world and the species Schistosoma japonicum is the most prevalent in the Asian. The studies indicated the possible routes of migration of human schistosome especial the species S. japonicum occurs within the portal vein from the blood vessels of the liver to their egg laying sites. This illustration wants to show the egg-producing adults parasites mating in the portal vein of human body.
1. Catherine S. Nation , Akram A. Da'dara , Jeffrey K. MarchantI , Patrick J. Skelly. Schistosome migration in the definitive host. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. April 2, 2020.
2. Alice H. Costain, Andrew S. MacDonald and Hermelijn H. Smits. Schistosome Egg Migration: Mechanisms, Pathogenesis and Host Imm
Categoría: Ilustración científica
Técnica: pencil
Tamaño: A2 (420 x 594mm) 300 DPI
Año: 2022
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