Nguyễn Lam Phương - Tiliacora triandra (Sương Sâm)
Nombre y apellidos: Nguyễn Lam Phương
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País: Việt Nam
Título: Tiliacora triandra (Sương Sâm)
Especie: Slippery leaf ginseng dew
Descripción: Slippery-leaf ginseng is a vine species. Leaves are dark green, with oval blades, 6–11 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, 3–5 veins at base, 2-3 pairs of accessory veins, 5–20 mm petioles. Inflorescences in leaf axils or on old stems, with fine hairs; yellow male flowers, petals 5-6, stamens 3; Female flowers have 6 petals, 8-9 carpels. In Vietnam, dew leaves are used to make jelly and vegetables. Just grind, crush a quantity of fresh ginseng dew leaves with a certain amount of cold filtered water, filter a clean comb, leave for an hour or two, this water will freeze and turn green.
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnica: Photoshop
Tamaño: 21cmx21cm
Año: 2022
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