Indriati Suci Pravitasari - Hidden Gem
Nombre y apellidos: Indriati Suci Pravitasari
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País: Indonesia
Título: Hidden Gem - Cica daun sayap biru
Descripción: The concept of illustration that I am carrying in this illustration is "maintaining" with the output of the work entitled "Hidden Gem" or in Indonesian means "hidden gems". Through the concept of "maintaining" in a broad sense not only maintaining the sustainability of the main object, namely the blue wing leaf cica bird, but also the surrounding natural surroundings.
The concept of maintaining this then I interpret it into a leaf illustration that keeps and covers the main object, it appears behind the bird there are several leaves that cover as the meaning of the symbol of guarding. The preservation of the nature that I symbolizes with flowers and views as the meaning of beauty.
Categoría: Sí
Técnica: Color Pencil Mix Watercoline
Inteligencia artificial: Sí
Tamaño: A4 (21,0 x 29,7cm)
Año: 2022