Paveena Thampipit - Leucanella Flammans

Name and surname: Paveena Thampipit

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Country: Thailand

Title: Leucanella Flammans - Leucanella Flammans

Description: Leucanella flammans is a species of Lepidoptera in the family of giant silkworm moths. They are nocturnal and are one of the most beautiful Saturniid Moths with their colorful wings and dazzling pattern. Leucanella flammans appearance looks incredibly just like a work of art or looks like they just pop out of the fantasy animation. When I did the research for these moths, I could not find any information as I think they are a very rare species. Flammans has a very unique gorgeous salmon pink color palette which goes along with olive green creating a cartoonish presence. Each wing is covered by thousands upon thousands of colorful scales and hairs. I added more of a colorful palette to the creatures. Hopefully my flammans would be able to grab the public eye.

Category: Nature illustration

Technique: digital drawing
Artificial intelligence: No 
Size: 21×29.7 cm
Year: 2023