Wu Navarro - Growth of polycelis antarcticus from newborn to adult

Name and surname: Wu Navarro

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/wunart/

Country: Portugal 

Title: Growth of polycelis antarcticus from newborn to adult - Drawing

Description: Polycelis antarcticus have standard pattern finds the back and top of the head covered in black feathers on a white body and face, with black band of feathers underneath the chin, it seems a beard. Those colours white and black feathers help them to camouflage and prevent attacks predators from below and to be viewed above . [1]

1. Alexander E. Thornton & Andres Barbosa, http://afg.biodiversity.aq/species/16-pygoscelis-antarctic , accessed 2023.04.16

Category: Nature illustration

Technique: Graphyte on polyester
Artificial intelligence: No
Size: 4961 x 3508 px
Year: 2022