Ashik Prasad - Nature's Leap of Faith - Wallace's Flying Frog

Nombre y apellidos: Ashik Prasad

País: Ireland

Web: n/a

Redes sociales: n/a

Título de la obra: Nature's Leap of Faith – Wallace's Flying Frog

Especie o elemento: Wallace's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus)

Categoría: Ilustración naturalista

Técnicas utilizadas: Pencil Colour, Ink, Water Colour

Inteligencia artificial: No. 

Tamaño: n/a

Año de creación: 2024

Descripción: Nature is rich with immense diversity presenting unique organisms with intriguing niches and adaptations. My illustration highlights the fascinating Wallace's Flying Frog, emphasizing its ability to glide in the air. This organism was first identified by the renowned naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace and inhabits the tropical forests of Malaysia and Borneo. They possess areas of thin skin and webbed feet that span out like umbrellas, enabling them to glide over a distance of around 50 feet to protect itself from predation. My Illustration contains 4 elements lettered from (A) to (D). (A) shows an overall representation of Wallace's Flying Frog portraying their vibrant colours. (B) and (C) highlights their webbed front feet in both the spanned and non-spanned positions respectively. Finally, (D) represents their stance when gliding in the air. I found this organism quite interesting and that it effectively represents natures rich diversity. I hope this illustration provides the same message.

(Spanish translation using google translate.)
Nature is rich in an immense diversity that presents unique organisms with intriguing niches and adaptations. My illustration highlights Wallace's fascinating flying frog, emphasizing its ability to slide in the air. This organism was first identified by the renowned naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace and lives in the tropical forests of Malaysia and Borneo. They have areas of thin skin and palm-bed legs that extend like umbrellas, allowing them to slide at a distance of about 50 feet to protect themselves from predation. My illustration contains 4 elements with letters from (A) to (D). (A) shows a general representation of Wallace's flying frog that shows its vibrant colors. (B) and (C) highlight their palmered front legs in both the extended and non-extended positions, respectively. Finally, (D) represents his posture when sliding into the air. I found this organism quite interesting and it effectively represents the rich diversity of nature. I hope this illustration provides the same message.

(Sources of the facts mentioned in the above text.)