Ekaterina Kovalenko - Gromova - Turkeys
Nombre y apellidos: Ekaterina Kovalenko – Gromova
País: Latvia
Web: https://www.instagram.com/catherina_gr_ko/
Redes sociales: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1049263855098026
Título de la obra: Turkeys
Especie o elemento: Broad-breasted Bronze
Categoría: Ilustración naturalista
Técnicas utilizadas: Graphic arts
Inteligencia artificial: No.
Tamaño: 42 x 59.4 cm
Año de creación: 2024
Descripción: Variety of turkey feather colors. Ultraviolet light penetrates the bird's body through the red head. A long nose, on the one hand, is a decoration, on the other, a means of intimidating the enemy. In the spring, during courtship, males inflate their skin appendages to about 15 centimeters and thus show off in front of the female, trying to win her. But, if an enemy comes into view, domestic turkeys inflate their nose even more.